Data for Caziot, Fathkhani & Bremmer (2025) Coding of egocentric distance in the macaque ventral intraparietal area The file vip_egocentric_distance.csv contains an 8-columns matrix with: - Column 1: Cell number (1-113) - Column 2: Trial number for the given cell and condition - Column 3: Time in ms since trial onset for current trial - Column 4: Trial period (1=fixation, 2=stationary, 3=motion, see paper for details) - Column 5: Vergence demand of the fixation mark (in degrees) - Column 6: Disparity of the stimulus (in degrees, nan during the fixation period) - Column 7: Motion direction (in degrees, nan during fixation and stationary periods) - Column 8: Spikes This file can be read in matlab with: data = readmatrix('vip_egocentric_distance.csv') Or in python using pandas: data = pandas.read_csv('vip_egocentric_distance.csv', header=None)